- Bailey: You wanna show me the scan?
- Rob: Um... How about look at it over lunch?
- Bailey: I'm in the middle of a divorce. People call me the Nazi, and it's not because of my ice blue eyes. I spend 12 hours a day carving people up, and I like it. I have a child and I have no room for casual anything. I'm angry all of the time and deeply confused because a lot of people in my life have let me down recently, one of them was me. It's devastating but not completely because it turns I like sleeping crosswise in the bed and not have shaving my legs. My three year old used to be potty-trained and now he isn't because his father no longer lives with us and his world no longer make sense and the only thing he thinks he can control is his bladder, so he urinates. In a lot of places you wish he wouldn't urinate. You want lunch, or you wanna show me the scan?
Bailey是我劇中最欣賞的人, 有情有義,不拖泥帶水.Rob想借機約她吃午餐。Bailey一口氣說完以上的話。她是工作狂,以治病救人為樂。她常常生氣?疑惑?“最近很多人讓我失望,其中的一個是我自己”。
- Mark: Don't make me choose between you and her.
- Lexie: Why? Because you'll choose her?
- Mark: Yeah. I'll choose her.
- Lexie: I think our relationship just ended.
- 不喜mark,但他唯一一次有人性是他收留並接納了自己的女兒. 但lexie不願意年紀輕輕作後媽+外祖母,問題問得直截了當,附帶答案。mark 說不出口,或者更本還沒想好,被她一逼,分了手。
- Alex: So are you back or...
- Izzie: Oh did you want me to come back? Cause you told the Chief you had serious doubts about my abilities to be here.
- Alex: What?
- Izzie: You went behind my back and told the Chief I wasn't ready to be here.
- Alex: He was making cuts, I was protecting you.
- Izzie: You got me fired Alex.
- Alex: Is that what you think?
- Izzie: This job was the one thing I had left, the one thing, and you took that away from me. You interfered and got me fired. I have forgiven you for a lot Alex. I've had to forgive you for a lot, but I cannot forgive you for this.
- Alex: You made an assumption. You decided I did something. You didn't ask. You didn't hang around to talk. I am your husband and you didn't give me the benefit of the doubt. So you know what? I can't forgive you either.
alex不知izzie為何突然失蹤,終于等到她回來鼓起勇氣去見她,可以問明白。izzie卻責怪他。 alex傷心憤怒,憤怒並不是izzie一人的權利。 izzie從來沒有問過alex,只是假設他做的事是錯的,害了她,從來沒有給他解釋的機會。 是我我也會生氣,被愛的人一把刀戳死,喊不出冤。
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